Cold treat refers to a device that helps to treat or reduce the symptoms of the disease throughcold. Considering that patients can be divided into different types, this device can have multiple uses.But its same function for all patients is that it responds to pain and bleeding immediately by spreading cold in the affected area.


Since the cold constricts blood vessels and reduces internal tissue bleeding
in the damaged area, the cold compress method including placing an ice pack in a towel and then placing the towel on the damaged area for 15 to 20 minutes has been used since the distant past. Is. Cold treat, in fact, is the completion of this traditional solution, which helps the treatment staff and nurses on the one hand, and can be very efficient and useful with high speed and greater comfort for the therapist and the patient.


Unlike the ice compress, a traditional manner, which is not available at all times and in all places and can cause discomfort to the patient, Cold Treat offers a suitable
solution for pain and bleeding times and in all places and can cause discomfort to the patient, Cold Treat offers a suitable solution for pain and bleeding